The Eucharist Renewal Initiative

“The Eucharist is essential for us: It is Christ who wishes to enter our lives and fill us with his grace.”
– Pope Francis

“It is my deepest hope that these weeks will be for us all a time to grow in our love for and understanding of this most beautiful sacrament and, in doing so, come closer to the God who has bestowed upon us every blessing we know in this world.”
-Bishop Robert McElroy

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Week 1: “The Eucharist is a direct, personal encounter with Jesus Christ”

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Week 2: “The Eucharist is the sacrificial memorial of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection by which we have been redeemed”

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Week 3: “The Eucharist is the sacred meal that nurtures us, bonds us together and sends us forth to transform the world.”

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Teaching Masses


Over the next three weeks across the diocese, we will be conducting a “Walk through the Mass: A Step-by-Step Explanation”. Read more

Gathering: Introductory and Concluding Rites Week 1 (Oct. 9-10)

Coming together, assembling, and forming community is at the heart of our Sunday worship. The reason behind each of the ritual actions of the first part of the Mass can be found in this word: gathering. The purpose of these rites is to bring us together into one Body, ready to listen and break bread together. Note that God is the one who has summoned us to this celebration of the Eucharist. Read more

Storytelling: Liturgy of the Word Week 2 (Oct. 16-17)

When we gather at a friend’s home for a meal, we almost always begin with conversation, telling our stories. At Mass, after the gathering rites, we sit down and listen as readings from the Word of God are proclaimed. They are the stories of God’s people. Read more

Meal sharing: Liturgy of the Eucharist Week 3 (Oct. 23-24)

After the Liturgy of the Word, we move to the altar for the sacred meal of sacrifice, sharing, and thanksgiving. As at a meal in the home of a friend, we 1) set the table, 2) say grace and 3) share the food (eat and drink). At Mass these ritual actions are called 1) the Preparation of the Altar and Gifts, 2) the Eucharistic Prayer, 3) the Communion Rite. Read more