“If you honor [the sabbath] by not following your ways, seeking your own interests, or speaking with malice–Then you shall delight in the LORD, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth.” -Is 58:13-14

Today’s Gospel tells the story of Levi, who gets called to lay everything behind him and follow Jesus. Every time I hear this story, I get inspired to do just as Levi did, but then I look at everything I have, want, and do, and I can’t bring myself to leave any of it. It’s so daunting to give up everything, to offer it up to God, every single day… for the rest of my life??? When the things I love conclude, I already feel empty, lost, and lonely. But in today’s reading from Isaiah, I feel God calling me to take the first step. If I can honor God for just one day a week, put aside my selfish interests, maybe eventually I can put aside my worries about my career, friendships, identity, desires, and future, and trust that what God has in store for me is good.

“O Lord, please help me to honor you. To lay down myself for you one step at a time.”

– Anonymous