
“Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the ‘sacraments of Christian initiation,’ whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. For ‘by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.'”
— Catechism of the Catholic Church #1285

Did you know that 80% of Catholic young adults are unconfirmed? For many college students and young adults, the confirmation program was offered when they were in high school when after-school sports, jobs or other extra-curricular activities made attendance in programs difficult. Are you a young adult, out of high school and interested in growing in understanding of the Catholic faith?

Our Newman Center offers preparation for Catholic students and other adults to receive this sacrament. Candidates meet for faith sharing and instruction on Tuesday Evenings.

Contact Berenice Cervantes for more information.