
Engage in praying with the Newman Center through a variety of resources and programs.

Lenten Daily Reflections

Pray with these short daily Lenten Reflections written by Students, Student Ministers, Christian Initiation and Confirmation Students, YAGS, and Staff as part of your Lenten commitment to prayer. These reflections are written each day based on the daily mass readings.

Subscribe for daily emails or follow us on Instagram.

Inner Peace in Friendship with Jesus
a weekly Lenten prayer retreat

Experience this extraordinary journey to deepen our relationship with the Lord and companionship with others.

The retreat is designed for adults, young adults, and students who are interested in discovering a clear, simple, and practical approach to developing their prayer life. It includes six weeks of personal prayer at home (~30 minutes of prayer, 5 days per week) utilizing Fr. Michael Hansen, SJ’s creative and easy-to-use guide. Participants will gather weekly in small groups to share their experiences.

Visit the retreat website to register or learn more.

Christian Life Community (CLC) Faith Sharing Group

Desiring to live out your Catholic faith more intentionally? Join CLC.

Christian Life Community (CLC) is a network of faith-sharing groups rooted in Ignatian spirituality. Groups are typically made up of 6-12 people led by a student group facilitator or a Newman Center staff member.  Groups meet weekly to grow in faith, friendship, and service.

Students and Young Adults meet on Thursdays at 8 PM, following Thursday Night Dinner.
Residents meet Wednesdays at 12:45 PM
To join, sign up here.
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Daily Prayer Intentions

Spend a few minutes each day during Lent to pray for an intention. Take time to understand the root causes of what you are praying for. Learn about Catholic teaching on the topic and read about how it affects people in our world today. Ask God to help you to love in radical ways.

Here are some suggested prayer intentions.